To view the Lollo Papers click on the links below. You will need Adobe Reader. Website updated 23/07/2024


Age of light at 2024: 6242 years. (Oldest light available to astronomers)

Age of radioactivity at 2024: 6242 years. (see paper CDK16)

Speed of light for 2022: 297,935.263 km/sec

Speed of light for 2023: 297,911.392 km/sec Slowing by 23.864 km/sec in 2023

Speed of light for 2024: 297,887.528 km/sec Slowing by 23.859 km/sec in 2024

Speed of light for 2025: 297,863.669 km/sec

Tifft Quantization Number for 2024, TQN = 0.0002403076 (see CDK19 Page 4)

(aka Tifft Compression Number, TCN)

More papers coming soon... keep an eye out.

CDK28 – Half Life Half Truth – Introducing The Periodic Radiodecay Tables NEW PAPER

CDK27.2 – The Moon and the Tides!

CDK27.1 – Moon's Orbit Unstable!

CDK27.0 – Volcanoes on the Moon!

CDK26 – Cosmic Rays

CDK25.1 – The Speed of Light is proportional to the square root of half of the decay rate of light.

CDK25.0 Draft paper: Underground Astronomy – Gravity Numbers, Prime Numbers, c2=1/3 x 1/2 x TQN x k2

CDK24 Relativity Reasoning Reviewed!

CDK23 Science and Skull-duggery!

CHK22 Relativity is Redundant!

CDK21 Deep Time Dating Dismissed!

CDK20 Scientists recalculate age of the universe

CDK19 Halton Arp's Quasar Quantization Explained!

CDK18 Measuring The Universe

CDK 17 Slowing Light Speed

CDK16 The Universe is Not Expanding and other important facts

CDK15 Quantization in Radioactive Decay Measurements including the members of the three naturally occurring Radioactive Transformation Series

CDK14 Halton Arp's Quantized Quasar Redshifts Resemble Radiodecay Rates

CDK13 Eighteen rock rolid reasons why The Big Bang never happened

Summary of Progress to date 22 August 2011

CDK12 Systematic Fractional Relationships in Radioactive Decay Measurements

CDK11 Bill Tifft's .000241 Divides Decay Series of Tenths to Give Uranium Decay Half Time

CDK10 Bill Tifft's Redshift Conclusions 1991 Point to Mathematical Series in Back of Quantization

CDK9 Speed of Light Decay (CDK) Matches Error in Predicting Advance of Perihelion of Mercury

CDK8 Light speeds, look-back times & 'special effects'

CDK7 Zones of Thousands seen in redshift distance measurements

CDK6 - The Pioneer Anomaly: Probe Travel 'Deficit' of 240,000 miles matches travel deficit of slowing 10-hour radio signal

CDK5 Speed of light exceeded & distance limited in Redshift measurements

CDK4 - Some Calculations of the speed and deceleration of light

CDK3 Speed of Light Decay.....Timing is Everything

CDK2 Calculus and the Deceleration of Light

CDK1 The Decreasing Speed of Light New Page

The Mechanism of the Redshifts

The Age of Light & The Shape of the Universe

The Average Speed of Light

The William Tifft Quantized Redshifts